Lawn Services
We provide primarily grass cutting, weed eating, edging, minor bush trimming, and leaf blowing of residential properties.
We service residential lots from small city lots up to 2.5 acres. We do not service large apartment complexes or condominium complexes.
Lawn cutting is our main service. We do not provide landscaping, pest control, or major tree trimming.
We serve Golden Gate City and Golden Gate Estates from Collier Blvd. east to Desoto Blvd. This includes Golden Gate Blvd., White Blvd., Weber Blvd., Wilson Blvd., Everglades Blvd., Randall Blvd., Oil Well Rd., Desoto Blvd., and Golden Gate Estates areas off Immokalee Rd. east to 40th Ave. SE. We do not service gated communities. We will do one-time cuts; bush hogging and storm clean up in other areas of North Naples. We do not service the City of Naples (proper), East Naples or South Naples.
We provide one time cuts, cuts when you are on vacation or out of town, cuts for part timers when you are up north for the summer, and of course regular year round service. Regular year round service cuts are on an every other week basis minimum from April 15th through December 16th. From December 17th through April 14th, regular service cuts are once every four weeks minimum. For customers with upgraded nice grass and a working sprinkler system, you may need to stay on every other week year round.
For small city lots our prices start at $50.00 a cut. For Golden Gate Estates, prices start at $90.00 a cut and go up from there depending on your acreage and area to be mowed.
If the property has not been maintained well for a long time, it may need a higher "one time" cut fee to get it back in line. One time cuts or "initial cuts" usually range from $100.00 - $450.00.
We charge you by the cut for each time we cut your lawn. You will pay more in the summer and less in the winter as cuts become less frequent due to the dry season. This will save you money from a standard monthly bill and fee of the same amount each month as other companies charge. You pay us at each time of service with a credit card kept on file. If you do not wish to keep a credit card on file you may pay us by check in advance for scheduled cuts. We do not send out invoices.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards.
You do not need to sign a contract, a mutually agreed upon schedule can be decided and followed. You may cancel at any time.
In the event of a Tropical Storm or Hurricane, we offer debris clean up and removal from your yard as a separate service and charge.
We offer free estimates and will need to look at your property to do so. After we come out and look at your property, we will contact you back with your estimate. We usually can get your estimate to you within 24 hours.
Naples Lawn Service looks forward to serving you soon!